How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)

How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)

In the last episode, we have been discussing factors affecting people’s English learning process. We all know that beginners in this language will be very confused at the start, for example in getting to know how long it takes to study this language. In this blog post, we will illustrate the average time to study English for each specific level.

In order to calculate average study time, you must first know some standard language skills scales, one of the most famous are CEFR proficiency scale with 6 main levels or a more detailed Berlitz proficiency scale with 10 proficiency levels.


How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)


1. Beginner Level: you will need around 90-100 hours of study. This level requires a grasp of basic grammar usage, simple lexical resources and very modest communication skills.


2. Elementary Level: It would take learners approximately 180-200 hours of study to reach this level. Being able to engage in daily normal talks and situations, and understand simple writings are characteristics of this level.


How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)


3. Intermediate Level:  For this level, people would have to spend about 350-400 hours of study. Reaching this level means possessing a more diverse vocabulary range, sentence structures and the capability to give your ideas and opinions through writing and speaking.


4. Upper Intermediate Level: 500-600 study hours are needed to achieve this level. This level would allow you to be involved in a variety of discussion topics, communicate fluently as well as comprehend more complex topics.

How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)

5. Advanced Level: Learners would have to put in 700-800 hours to gain this level of English proficiency. This level is characterized by effective communication skills in complex situations, understanding of academic texts and fluent language skills.


6. Proficient Level: It is estimated that 1000-1200 hours of dedicated study are needed to achieve proficient level. This level would enable you to use English at a native or near-native fluency. Learners would be able to communicate formally and informally at ease and understand complicated readings and speeches comfortably.

How long does it take to learn English? (Part 2)

Additionally, these calculated numbers are only an average and will also vary due to age, language background, language exposure time and study method. At Berlitz Vietnam, we offer immersive language classes with native teachers that will help you reach your goal fast and effectively. Let us be your trusted guiding partner!