Participating in an overseas study program always brings wonderful experiences to the lives of every student. It provides opportunities for them to immerse themselves in a new culture, develop independence, and cultivate essential skills for the future. As parents, we all want the best for our children, hoping they have amazing experiences, accumulate knowledge, and stay safe. In this article, let's explore why parents should trust Berlitz to send their children to participate in the summer study abroad program in Singapore.
Why Choose Singapore?
First and foremost, Singapore is among the safest countries in the world. Thanks to strict laws and tight management, crime rates here are among the lowest globally. Additionally, for young participants joining a summer program for the first time, parents often prefer to choose destinations close to Vietnam to facilitate visits. The flight time to Singapore from Vietnam is relatively short (about 2-4 hours from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi), ensuring that children will feel energized on their first flight. Singapore is also a highly developed country globally, with a top-notch education system. Coupled with an English-speaking environment, the Lion City is an excellent choice for parents to consider for their children's upcoming summer program.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad with Berlitz in Singapore
1. Excellent Academic Program: Berlitz is renowned for its world-class language training programs, offering high-quality language courses. At the Berlitz branch in Singapore, students are trained systematically by top instructors. Additionally, students have access to a wide range of materials and resources at the center to support their learning.
2. Cultural Exchange: Studying abroad in Singapore allows children to immerse themselves in the diverse culture of this lion city, providing them with interesting experiences and exposure to new perspectives. Beyond classroom hours, the program includes experiential activities that help children learn more about the country's culture.
3. Improving English Proficiency: English is one of the primary languages in Singapore. Participating in a summer study abroad program provides children with a comprehensive English-speaking environment. From living in dormitories with Singaporean students to interacting with fellow international students, children will be encouraged to use English more frequently.
4. Personal Development: Living, studying, and experiencing life in another country helps children nurture independence, confidence, and self-care skills. They also learn how to handle various situations that may arise in life, adapt to new environments, and integrate into a new community. All of these are essential life skills that will serve them well in the future.
5. Comprehensive Support: Berlitz understands the importance of combining academic learning with life skills and mental well-being. Therefore, Berlitz not only supports children in their academic studies and future orientation but also provides them with mental support through fun classes, one-on-one counseling sessions, and beneficial recreational activities. Thus, the summer program aims to provide children with enriching study hours combined with extracurricular activities to make their summer enjoyable, meaningful, and rewarding.
Studying abroad in Singapore with Berlitz provides children with excellent opportunities to broaden their horizons, enhance both hard and soft skills, and prepare for a more open future. As parents, we can feel more assured knowing that our children will receive world-class education in a safe environment and be supported to develop further. Invest in your children's future today and witness their success and global reach.